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Studio update!

This piece was an attempt to further develop my previous idea, however because I'd scaled the work up even further. I've found that I struggled with the proportion and in retrospect, I should have stepped back more to get a sense of the image overall, rather than just the section that I was working on close up.

The upper section of the cranium is too square and the jaw too small when compared with the rest of the image, at this point I should have made adjustments to the errors and rubbed away some of the skull in order to round it off.

The issue is compounded here when I added the white outline, making the image stand out against the background, if I were to recreate the piece I would have used the white to draw out the correct proportions and then gone back over with the red pastel.

I felt as though I took the image as far as I could take it, however it is something that I may revisit in the future in order to push the work more, rather than just being safe with it, in the sense of not really taking any risks with my work.

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